Loneliness for Every Season

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Throughout the Summer, many of us have planned vacations, barbeques and cook-outs and other times to be with friends and family. For the 800+ older adults living at Fellowship House, they enjoy many activities both inside and outside the building to keep them healthy, engaged and active.

Unfortunately, there are some residents who struggle with loneliness and find it impossible to enjoy these common activities. Whether due to physical mobility, cognitive functioning, mental health issues like depression or something as common as speaking another language, many older adults have a difficult time creating meaningful connections with those around them. A recent article highlights the negative effects of loneliness – exacerbating common problems associated with aging.

This year, Fellowship Square will invest more than $600,000 to build a variety of programs, services and activities that are inclusive and appropriate for seniors. We cover four specific areas of wellness: Spiritual, Social, Physical and Intellectual, and ensure we have a variety of options for the different tastes, cultures and abilities at our properties. Funding to support these programs and the staff who run them is critical to the well-being of each resident. We are not just a place to live but are a place where seniors thrive!

I invite you to support our mission and the hundreds of programs and services we offer by making your most generous tax-deductible donation today. Your financial support ensures we have the resources we need to deliver on our promise and connect with each of our residents who struggles to make ends meet – and to let them know we are there for them.

Thank you for your support!

Christy Zeitz