Meet Our Residents
Residents at our Fellowship Houses are active, independent, and remain engaged with life in their communities. Some residents are area natives, with most of them coming from the East Coast and states east of the Mississippi River. However, many residents relocated from across the country, or from other nations, to be near family members.
Residents often worked in occupations with little or no retirement benefits such as teaching, cosmetology, unskilled labor, and farming. Some are even refugees from forced labor camps. All have limited means and many live on Social Security or Supplemental Security Income alone. Without Fellowship Houses, many of our residents would live in less-than-ideal conditions or be homeless.

A Journey of Gratitude and Acceptance: A Conversation with Gretchen Jacobs
From a quaint town nestled outside of Pittsburgh, PA, Gretchen Jacobs embarked on a remarkable journey that would eventually lead her to the heart of Woodbridge, VA. The insights she shared … Continued

Anyone Can Use Technology- Kim Shin
Kim Shin is a technology instructor and resident at Hunters Woods Fellowship House who teaches older adults how to use a smartphone, tablet, the internet, and more. She has been using … Continued

Largo Resident Celebrates 100th Birthday- Gladys Spencer
Largo Landing Fellowship House resident, Gladys Spencer was treated to a birthday party with balloons, cake, friends, and a proclamation from the Maryland General Assembly recognizing her 100th birthday on April 2, 2023.

Aging Unbound – Samantha Lee
Samantha Lee has been a resident at Hunters Woods Fellowship House for about two years. She was born in Vietnam, but her family background is Chinese due to her grandfather moving … Continued

A Woman’s Perspective – Judy La Porte
It is important to celebrate International Women’s Day because women should be recognized for the contributions they bring to the world and enjoy fair and equal access to the same opportunities and spaces that men have.

Seniors Celebrate Prom-Hunters Wood Fellowship House
Seniors celebrate “prom” – some for the first time and others again decades later – at Hunters Woods
Fellowship House Senior Housing Community

Growing Up in the Midst of the Civil Rights Era-Gabrielle Bryant
Gabrielle Bryant, resident of Largo Landing Fellowship House, grew up in Washington DC near the U.S. Capitol in a mixed-race neighborhood with few black resident

Resident Veteran – Alfredo Diaz
The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918 marked the cessation of fighting between the Allied nations and Germany; seven months before the signing of the … Continued

Staying Active During COVID – Dasha Soldatenkov
This year (2020) has brought with it many challenges. In the face of the pandemic, life as we knew it has changed drastically. Though a trying time for all of us, … Continued